Kanye West has notched up an impresÂsive new accoÂlade to add to his already bulging troÂphy cabinet.
This week, his game changÂing album 808s & HeartÂbreaks, manÂaged to notch more than a bilÂlion streams on Spotify.
That means he has become the first artist in hisÂtoÂry to have 10 stuÂdio albums be streamed a bilÂlion times each on the lisÂtenÂing service.
Ye has nearÂly 46 milÂlion active lisÂtenÂers on his SpoÂtiÂfy account every month.
Most artists around the world would be hapÂpy to have a sinÂgle song reach a bilÂlion streams, howÂevÂer the ChicaÂgo rapÂper has manÂaged to do that 10 times across 10 difÂferÂent stuÂdio albums.
The only projects that havenât yet reached a bilÂlion streams is Jesus is King, Kids See Ghosts and the colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion album CruÂel Summer.
That means ColÂlege Dropout, Late RegÂisÂtraÂtion, GradÂuÂaÂtion, 808s, Yeezus, My BeauÂtiÂful Dark Twist FanÂtaÂsy, Watch The Throne, The Life of Pablo, Ye, and DonÂda have copped a bilÂly since their release.
Whatâs even more impresÂsive is that more than half of those albums came out before the streamÂing era had propÂerÂly kicked off.
His latÂest project, DonÂda manÂaged to get a bilÂlion streams withÂin just a few weeks of it being released.
It was Yeâs fastest album to notch the epic bilÂlion mark and the lengthy project also earned him his 10th NumÂber One album on the US BillÂboard charts in September.
InterÂestÂingÂly, Eminem was the first artist in the world to have 10 albums reach a simÂiÂlar incredÂiÂble mileÂstone and he did it last year.
HowÂevÂer, peoÂple were quick to point out how that includÂed MarÂshall MathÂerâs othÂer projects like the 8 Mile soundtrack.
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