MUSIC: Kanye West Becomes First Artist In History To Have 10 Albums Streamed More Than 1 Billion Times.

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Kanye West has notched up an impres­sive new acco­lade to add to his already bulging tro­phy cabinet.

This week, his game chang­ing album 808s & Heart­breaks, man­aged to notch more than a bil­lion streams on Spotify.

That means he has become the first artist in his­to­ry to have 10 stu­dio albums be streamed a bil­lion times each on the lis­ten­ing service.

Ye has near­ly 46 mil­lion active lis­ten­ers on his Spo­ti­fy account every month.

Most artists around the world would be hap­py to have a sin­gle song reach a bil­lion streams, how­ev­er the Chica­go rap­per has man­aged to do that 10 times across 10 dif­fer­ent stu­dio albums.

The only projects that haven’t yet reached a bil­lion streams is Jesus is King, Kids See Ghosts and the col­lab­o­ra­tion album Cru­el Summer.

That means Col­lege Dropout, Late Reg­is­tra­tion, Grad­u­a­tion, 808s, Yeezus, My Beau­ti­ful Dark Twist Fan­ta­sy, Watch The Throne, The Life of Pablo, Ye, and Don­da have copped a bil­ly since their release.

What’s even more impres­sive is that more than half of those albums came out before the stream­ing era had prop­er­ly kicked off.

His lat­est project, Don­da man­aged to get a bil­lion streams with­in just a few weeks of it being released.

It was Ye’s fastest album to notch the epic bil­lion mark and the lengthy project also earned him his 10th Num­ber One album on the US Bill­board charts in September.

Inter­est­ing­ly, Eminem was the first artist in the world to have 10 albums reach a sim­i­lar incred­i­ble mile­stone and he did it last year.
How­ev­er, peo­ple were quick to point out how that includ­ed Mar­shall Math­er’s oth­er projects like the 8 Mile soundtrack.

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