TECH: SpaceX unveils Starlink “Premium” tier with speeds of up to 500 Mbps.

SpaceX has revealed a new tier for its Star­link satel­lite inter­net ser­vice with high­er per­for­mance but prices that might make you cry, The Verge report­ed. Called Star­link Pre­mi­um, it offers speeds between 150 and 500 Mbps with 20 to 40 mil­lisec­onds of laten­cy, up to 50 to 250 Mbps with the same laten­cy. Down­load speeds are also up, from 10–20 Mbps on the stan­dard plan to 20–40 Mbps on Premium.

How­ev­er, for about dou­ble the per­for­mance boost, you’ll pay five times as much. Star­link Pre­mi­um will cost $500 per month com­pared to $99 per month for the stan­dard plan. You’ll also pay $2,500 for the anten­na and oth­er hard­ware, com­pared to $499 for the basic plan, and you’ll need to leave a $500 deposit to reserve the Pre­mi­um antenna.

SpaceX said the new ser­vice will work bet­ter in “extreme weath­er con­di­tions” and cus­tomers will receive 24/7 pri­or­i­ty sup­port. This will like­ly be the only high-speed inter­net option avail­able in many remote loca­tions, where addi­tion­al weath­er pro­tec­tion might come in handy.

SpaceX announced that Star­link would be com­ing out of beta last Octo­ber and recent­ly unveiled a new rec­tan­gu­lar satel­lite dish much small­er and thin­ner than the orig­i­nal round one. The new Pre­mi­um Anten­na is appar­ent­ly larg­er than that and is meant to “help ensure band­width for crit­i­cal oper­a­tions even dur­ing times of peak net­work uti­liza­tion,” SpaceX said.

Star­link launched more than 2,000 satel­lites in mid-Jan­u­ary, includ­ing about 1,500 in oper­a­tional orbit. The cur­rent sys­tem is licensed for a max­i­mum of 4,408 satel­lites, about three times the cur­rent num­ber. If you’re inter­est­ed in the Pre­mi­um tier, orders are now open and deliv­er­ies are expect­ed to begin in Q2 2022.

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