PSG star Kylian Mbappé fears for Bayern Munich clash after injury

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Paris Saint-Ger­main strik­er Kylian Mbap­pé suf­fered an injury in Wednes­day’s game against Mont­pel­li­er, threat­en­ing his place in the Cham­pi­ons League against Bay­ern Munich lat­er this month.

Mbap­pé, who missed two penal­ties ear­li­er, injured his knee and thigh after being tack­led by Mont­pel­li­er mid­field­er Leo Leroy and was forced off in the 21st minute of PSG’s 3–1 victory.

The anguished look on his face as he left the pitch and then left the sta­di­um showed the con­cern of the French World Cup winner.

The extent of Mbap­pé’s injury is not yet known, but sources say there are con­cerns around the club and the play­er. How­ev­er, PSG man­ag­er Christophe Galti­er was pos­i­tive after the game.

Is it a “bruise” or a “con­tu­sion”? I don’t know yet,” Gaulti­er assert­ed. Does­n’t seem “seri­ous”. I’m not too worried. ”

Mbap­pé will be scanned first thing Thurs­day morn­ing, but the first leg against Cham­pi­ons League quar­ter-finals Bay­ern Munich is less than two weeks away, and until then the Parisian’s fit­ness will always be an unknown.

The 24-year-old could miss high-pro­file match­es in the Coupe de France against Mar­seille (8 Feb­ru­ary) and Ligue 1 against Mona­co (11 February).

Also, Ser­gio Ramos has a groin prob­lem and Ney­mar has an ankle prob­lem and has not trav­eled to Montpellier.

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