What is the motive of the man who killed three people at Michigan State University?

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The man who killed three stu­dents and injured five at Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty, a 43-year-old man with a crim­i­nal record, com­mit­ted sui­cide after hours of chas­ing police a few miles from cam­pus. 24, offi­cials said.

Inves­ti­ga­tors have yet to sort out why Antho­ny McCrae opened fire in the school build­ing and stu­dent union before 8:30pm on Mon­day. The shoot­ing result­ed in a trag­ic sit­u­a­tion where the cam­pus was locked down and the search for the cul­prit end­ed after about three hours.

“McRae, who lives in Lans­ing, is nei­ther a stu­dent nor an employ­ee of Michi­gan, said Cam­pus Police Deputy Com­mis­sion­er Chris Rozman.

Mean­while, the Ewing Town­ship, N.J., school dis­trict can­celed the school for the day after it was report­ed that McRae, who lived in the area sev­er­al years ago, had a note in his pock­et indi­cat­ing threats to two schools in the area. became. He was deter­mined not to pose a threat to the school, local police lat­er said in a state­ment released by the superintendent.

Both Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents were killed and wound­ed in the shoot­ings at Barkey Hall, a pop­u­lar place to eat and study, and MSU Union. “Five peo­ple are in crit­i­cal con­di­tion at Spar­row Hos­pi­tal,” Dr. Den­ny Mar­tin said dur­ing a news conference.

“It’s still in flux,” Roz­man said. “The crime scene has not yet been processed, and we are in the process of putting the pieces togeth­er to under­stand what happened.”

The shoot­ing took place in an area of state­ly old build­ings on the north­ern edge of the 5,200-acre cam­pus, one of the largest in the nation. Across bustling Grand Riv­er Street is down­town East Lans­ing, lined with restau­rants, bars and shops.

“Our Spar­tan com­mu­ni­ty is rock­ing today,” Michi­gan native Gretchen Whit­mer said at a morn­ing briefing.

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden said he promised help in a phone call.

“I mourn the loss of a beau­ti­ful soul and pray for those who con­tin­ue to fight for their lives… Anoth­er place of com­mu­ni­ty and union has been torn apart by bul­lets and blood­shed,” said Whit­mer. said Mr.

Michi­gan has approx­i­mate­ly 50,000 stu­dents, 19,000 of whom live on cam­pus. Stu­dents were hid­ing every­where Mon­day night as hun­dreds of police swarmed cam­pus­es about 90 miles north­west of Detroit.

Dur­ing this time, police released pho­tos of the sus­pect, and Ros­man said “vig­i­lant cit­i­zens” rec­og­nized him in the Lans­ing area.

“That’s exact­ly why we released that pho­to. We had no idea where he was at the time,” the deputy chief said.

Ros­man said police con­front­ed McRae in an indus­tri­al area about five miles from cam­pus, where he com­mit­ted suicide.

McRae was on pro­ba­tion for 18 months through May 2021 for car­ry­ing a loaded weapon in a car, accord­ing to the state Depart­ment of Corrections.

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