GAMES: Nintendo displays status and stage on smartphone screen with “Splatoon 3” widget

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Nin­ten­do’s approach to online play has been some­what awk­ward at times (e.g. hav­ing to use your phone just for chat­ting), but it’s tak­en a big step forward.

Accord­ing to The Verge, Nin­ten­do has updat­ed its Switch Online apps for Android and iOS, adding wid­gets for the Spla­toon 3 home screen. 

Quick­ly check your recent game stats, browse through your screen­shot album, and see when your favorite game modes are in rota­tion with the Sce­nario Calendar.

Wid­gets offer only a small amount of cus­tomiza­tion, and some take up a lot of screen real estate. Those who want a stage cal­en­dar will need to reserve space, and the pho­to album is rel­a­tive­ly small. iPhone users can also for­get about lock screen wid­gets in iOS 16.

You’ll need to sub­scribe to Switch Online to take advan­tage of these fea­tures, which makes sense since they’re relat­ed to Spla­toon 3’s mul­ti­play­er. But com­bined with bet­ter match­mak­ing than Spla­toon 2, Nin­ten­do seems to be get­ting the hang of online gaming.

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