CINEMA: Andrew Garfield would like to reunite Tom Holland and Tobey Maguire.

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Amaz­ing Spi­der-Man star Andrew Garfield is now back in the super­hero fray thanks to the mul­ti-ver­sal events of Spi­der-Man: No Way Home, and the actor has now said he’d like to team up with fel­low Spi­der-Man. ‑Peo­ple Tom Hol­land Tobey Maguire again. Speak­ing on the Hap­py Sad Con­fused pod­cast, Garfield said he was extreme­ly “sat­is­fied and grate­ful” to have been a part of Spi­der-Man: No Way Home, but would love the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring it back again. the “dynam­ic of the three brothers”. .

“I would love to con­tin­ue work­ing with Tobey and with Tom. This three-broth­er dynam­ic is so juicy. want­i­ng more right now. I’m real­ly try­ing to savor this moment with the fans, with the audi­ence, and say thank you. I feel very, very hum­bled and grate­ful for the response.”

Spi­der-Man: No Way Home finds Tom Hol­land’s Peter Park­er strug­gling to live with his secret iden­ti­ty revealed. In des­per­a­tion, he turns to his friend and fel­low super­hero, Doc­tor Strange, ask­ing the mas­ter of the mys­ti­cal arts to use his mag­ic and make every­one for­get that Peter Park­er is Spi­der-Man. Thanks to Peter’s infa­mous inabil­i­ty to stop speak­ing, the spell goes awry, free­ing the mul­ti­verse and allow­ing sev­er­al heroes and vil­lains from pre­vi­ous Spi­der-Man fran­chis­es to enter the Mar­vel Cin­e­mat­ic Universe.

The MCU out­ing cul­mi­nates in an epic show­down between this assort­ment of vil­lains and a trio of Spi­der-Men, with Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire repris­ing their respec­tive roles all these years lat­er to fight side-by-side with Tom Hol­land. A huge­ly sat­is­fy­ing and won­der­ful­ly crowd-pleas­ing moment, audi­ences would no doubt love to see the three actors reunite again in a future Spi­der-Man movie.

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