Jackass Forever receives best on Rotten Tomatoes.

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Jack­ass For­ev­er impress­es audi­ences and crit­ics alike with a very high Rot­ten Toma­toes score, far sur­pass­ing the pre­vi­ous three films.

If Jack­ass For­ev­er ends up becom­ing the final install­ment in the film series, then this fran­chise is def­i­nite­ly going out with a bang. To date, the film has been cer­ti­fied fresh at Rot­ten Toma­toes with a Tomatome­ter Fresh score of 90%. The audi­ence score is even high­er with a cur­rent rat­ing of 96%. Of course, those num­bers will like­ly fluc­tu­ate a bit as new reviews start rolling in, but the con­sen­sus of most who’ve seen the movie thus far is that Jack­ass For­ev­er is a hit.

These scores also make Jack­ass For­ev­er the high­est rat­ed film in the series. Released in 2002, the orig­i­nal Jack­ass film has a rot­ten score of 49%, although its audi­ence score is a bit bet­ter at 75% fresh. Jack­ass: Num­ber Two, released in 2006, has a crit­i­cal score of 64% with an audi­ence score of 80%. Jack­ass 3 land­ed at 66% fresh with an audi­ence score of 69%.

“I’ll just sum it up like this: This is the hard­est — and hard­est — laugh I’ve had in a movie in years,” not­ed review­er Jere­my Jahns.

“While the group is a bit more erod­ed after so many years of injuries and try­ing to out­do each other
they still man­age to have that youth­ful joy that is incred­i­bly effec­tive and espe­cial­ly con­ta­gious,” adds Rob Dean of Bul­lz-

Sug­gest­ing a film that was as dis­gust­ing as it was hilar­i­ous, crit­ic Bar­ry Hertz of The Globe and Mail said: “I watched a good deal of it cov­er­ing my eyes, grit­ting my teeth, gri­mac­ing so hard my jaw dropped. bro­ken, yelp­ing in two — the feigned ter­ror, sup­press­ing the urge to vom­it or laugh maniacally.”

“It should­n’t be fun to watch some­one get humil­i­at­ed,” writes Time’s Stephanie Zacharek. “Yet the main band of Jack­ass make it fun, not just laugh­ing at each oth­er, but laugh­ing so hap­pi­ly at themselves.”

And Rolling Stone’s David Fear says, “You’re going because they want you to laugh — like, real­ly dubbed, the tears run­ning down your face, your stom­ach that can’t breathe — at their pain. And you most def­i­nite­ly will laugh. Prob­a­bly a lot.

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