SPORT: Football Jesse Rodriguez gets engaged to his lovely girlfriend Aurah Ruiz four years after he took her to court.

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Jese Rodriguez, has sealed his on-and-off romance with the girl­friend he sued four years ago for harass­ment by ask­ing for her hand in marriage.

The 28-year-old for­mer Real Madrid and PSG star knelt inside a red heart drawn on the floor dur­ing a roman­tic vaca­tion with mod­el and influ­encer Aurah Ruiz in Dubai.

The shock pro­pos­al came just four months after the foot­baller, now a strik­er for Span­ish sec­ond divi­sion side Las Pal­mas, found him­self at the cen­ter of bizarre allegations.

Rodriguez revealed to his two mil­lion Insta­gram fol­low­ers that pret­ty brunette Ruiz’s response to his mar­riage pro­pos­al was “Yes.”

In a lengthy mes­sage accom­pa­ny­ing the snaps he post­ed, show­ing him propos­ing on a bed of red ros­es as a vio­lin­ist played in the back­ground before kiss­ing his bride-to-be inside the shaped cir­cle heart, the attack­er wrote:

“These words were the answer to the ques­tion I’ve thought about the most in my life and your answer my baby. This is the start of it all.

“I real­ly want­ed to shout out to the world that the love of my life wants to be by my side, for­ev­er, and we won’t just be ‘her or me’ but very soon ‘us’.”

Call­ing Ruiz the “com­pass that guides me and the own­er of my des­tiny,” Rodriguez added in an obvi­ous ref­er­ence to the issues they suf­fered dur­ing their head­line-grab­bing romance: “I could write a lot more things but I would pre­fer that we lived togeth­er and in the future we can write a book where we tell how true love is able to beat every­thing and everyone.

“Love always wins. I love you, I adore you my trea­sure. Togeth­er forever.”

Ruiz replied on his own Insta­gram: “I real­ly don’t have words to express how I real­ly feel.

“And you know damn well what it is and that’s the only thing that mat­ters. I love you.”

Also con­firm­ing that she had accept­ed the foot­baller’s mar­riage pro­pos­al, she signed off, writ­ing: “Yes I do.”

Rodriguez’s breakup with Ruiz, who became a house­hold name on a Span­ish TV dat­ing show, made head­lines while he was at Stoke dur­ing a dis­ap­point­ing loan spell between August 2017 and May 2018.

He has scored just one goal in 13 games in a peri­od marked by his reg­u­lar returns to Spain after the son he has with Ruiz was diag­nosed with a seri­ous illness.

Ruiz accused her of let­ting her down in the bat­tle to help the now four-year-old Ryan return to full health when he was in hos­pi­tal in Gran Canaria and he end­ed up report­ing her for harassment.

His shock­ing legal action end­ed with the head­line-lov­ing brunet­te’s con­vic­tion in Decem­ber 2020 despite the cou­ple reunit­ing months earlier.

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