Cristiano Ronaldo denies ‘he had sex’ with a Venezuelan influencer at national team hotel

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Cris­tiano Ronal­do has strong­ly denied claims by Por­tuguese media that he had sex with a stun­ning influ­encer at the nation­al team hotel.

Dark-haired Venezue­lan blog­ger ‘Georgi­laya’ claims that a for­mer Man­ches­ter Unit­ed play­er sent him a text mes­sage invit­ing him to his room after tak­ing a self­ie with the player.

She wrote on Insta­gram, “When I read the mes­sage, I thought maybe if we go there we can just talk, get to know each oth­er and take more pictures.”

“I did­n’t think there would be sex in that sit­u­a­tion. In fact, it did.

“I was con­sen­su­al, but nev­er­the­less I felt manip­u­lat­ed because of Cris­tiano Ronal­do’s fame and power.”

The alle­ga­tions were vehe­ment­ly denied yes­ter­day by Ronal­do, the 38-year-old father of five, after being report­ed in his native Por­tu­gal’s Cor­reio da Man­hã news­pa­per and pub­lished online.

A spokesman for Ronal­do said: “This is com­plete­ly false and defamatory.”

Georgi­laya claims the rela­tion­ship took place on March 25 last year while Por­tu­gal cap­tain Ronal­do was prepar­ing for the World Cup in Qatar.

He also said that he was “tor­ment­ed” to the point of divorc­ing because of the guilt of hav­ing an affair with Ronaldo.

The for­mer Real Madrid star is said to have slept with the beau­ty at the lux­u­ry hotel Solverde in Vila Nova de Gaia in north­ern Portugal.

She claims he lured her into Room 312 and agreed to have sex there, but she felt she was “used” afterward.

I don’t want her fame or mon­ey,” George Raya also revealed text mes­sages pur­port­ed to come from Ronal­do and his friends, includ­ing for­mer Prem star Jose Semedo.

Ronal­do has signed for Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s Al Nasr after being sacked by Man­ches­ter Unit­ed in an explo­sive inter­view with Piers Morgan.

In Decem­ber of last year, he agreed to an unprece­dent­ed con­tract with an annu­al salary of €195 million.

The con­tract is for a total of sev­en years, and once Ronal­do takes off his boots, he will become an ambassador.

After six years with his girl­friend Georgina Rodriguez, Ronal­do seems to be steeped in a new culture.

He was pho­tographed bran­dish­ing a sword as part of Sau­di Ara­bi­a’s Nation­al Day celebrations.

Ronal­do’s icon­ic strik­er wore tra­di­tion­al Sau­di Ara­bi­an garb at the new stadium.

Ronal­do sipped Ara­bic drinks with his team­mates and donned a thawb, an ele­gant all-over white cot­ton tunic.

The Por­tuguese super­star, who has moved into a Riyadh man­sion, has a big smile on his face, swing­ing his sword and even giv­ing a trade­mark wink.

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