Warcraft” is coming to mobile this year according to Blizzard’s confirmation.

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Dur­ing a press release for its fourth quar­ter 2021 finan­cial results, Activi­sion Bliz­zard revealed that it plans to release War­craft for mobile lat­er this year. Com­pa­ny CEO Bob­by Kotick told investors a year ago that the devel­op­er had cre­at­ed “mul­ti­ple, mobile, free War­craft expe­ri­ences” that were already in advanced devel­op­ment at the time. Bliz­zard has yet to reveal more detailed infor­ma­tion about the games and a more con­crete time­line, so it’s unclear if its release plans include all of these expe­ri­ences or just a few.

The only part of the com­pa­ny’s results that men­tions the fran­chise on mobile is:

“Bliz­zard is plan­ning sub­stan­tial new con­tent for the War­craft fran­chise in 2022, includ­ing new expe­ri­ences in World of War­craft and Hearth­stone, and is bring­ing all-new War­craft mobile con­tent into the hands of play­ers for the first time.”

Rumors have been swirling about a War­craft mobile game since at least 2017. In 2018, reports emerged that Bliz­zard was work­ing on a mobile entry for the fran­chise that will be sim­i­lar to Poké­mon Go, which pre­sum­ably means it will is an aug­ment­ed real­i­ty title. Accord­ing to a report from Kotaku, it was being devel­oped by an “incu­ba­tion” team that was formed when co-founder Allen Adham returned to the com­pa­ny in 2016. The team was also behind the mobile game Dia­blo Immor­tal which is releas­ing also this year.

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