Lisandro Martinez will miss the rest of Manchester United’s 2022–23 season

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Man­ches­ter Unit­ed’s hopes for the 2022–23 sea­son have been dealt a major blow with the news that defend­er Lisan­dro Mar­tinez will miss the rest of the cam­paign due to a foot injury sus­tained in the Europa League quar­ter-final first leg against Sevil­la.

The 25-year-old Argen­tin­ian left the pitch with a limp and the extent of the injury was ini­tial­ly unknown, caus­ing con­cerns among Unit­ed fans. How­ev­er, it has now been con­firmed that Mar­tinez, who report­ed­ly injured his metatarsal, will be side­lined for the remain­der of the season.

Unit­ed man­ag­er Eric ten Hag has expressed his wor­ries about the injury, stat­ing that it was not a good sign for Mar­tinez to leave the field with­out an oppo­nen­t’s involve­ment. In addi­tion, the team has also been hit by a foot injury to France inter­na­tion­al Raphaël Varane, who could also miss the rest of the campaign.

The injuries to key play­ers have undoubt­ed­ly affect­ed Unit­ed’s recent per­for­mances, lead­ing to the team los­ing a two-goal lead against Sevil­la. Despite play­ing well in the first half, the injuries dis­rupt­ed the team’s rhythm and they were unable to main­tain their lead. Unit­ed will now have to regroup for their upcom­ing match against Not­ting­ham For­est, who are cur­rent­ly strug­gling in the Pre­mier League.

In con­clu­sion, the loss of Lopez for the rest of the sea­son is a sig­nif­i­cant set­back for Man­ches­ter Unit­ed’s 2022–23 cam­paign. How­ev­er, with the team’s depth and tal­ent, they will no doubt con­tin­ue to fight for suc­cess on the pitch.

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