Cash App Creator Bob Lee Tragically Dies in San Francisco Stabbing

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The tech indus­try was left in shock after the news of Bob Lee’s trag­ic death. Lee, who was the cre­ator of the pop­u­lar mobile pay­ment ser­vice Cash App, was stabbed to death in San Fran­cis­co’s Rin­con Hill neigh­bor­hood on Tues­day morning. 

Lee was walk­ing in the “good” part of the city when he was attacked in what appeared to be a ran­dom mug­ging or attack, accord­ing to his friend and mixed mar­tial arts cham­pi­on Jake Shields.

Lee was a promi­nent fig­ure in the Bay Area soft­ware devel­op­ment com­mu­ni­ty and had recent­ly moved to Mia­mi. He served as the chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer of Square, the com­pa­ny that lat­er became Block, and was the first chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer at Mobile­Coin, where he served as the chief prod­uct officer.

Lee was described as a gen­er­ous and decent human being who had a pas­sion for using tech­nol­o­gy to solve real-world prob­lems. He helped to birth Android and CashApp into the world and was the dri­ving force behind Mobile­Coin’s pri­va­cy-pro­tect­ing wal­let for the 21st century.

Elon Musk and oth­er tech lead­ers expressed their sad­ness and anger over Lee’s death, with Musk slam­ming San Fran­cis­co for its ongo­ing spree of vio­lent crime. Musk also ques­tioned whether the city was tak­ing stronger action to incar­cer­ate repeat offenders.

Lee’s death is a trag­ic loss for the tech com­mu­ni­ty, and he will be deeply missed by his col­leagues, friends, and family.

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