TECH: The first movie studio in space could be attached to the ISS in 2024

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A ren­der­ing of Space Enter­tain­ment Enter­prise’s planned space sta­tion, SEE‑1, which will con­tain a movie stu­dio and sports are­na.
Space Enter­tain­ment Com­pa­ny
A mod­ule hous­ing a film stu­dio and a sports are­na could be con­nect­ed to the Inter­na­tion­al Space Sta­tion by Decem­ber 2024. Space Enter­tain­ment Enter­prise (SEE), which is co-pro­duc­ing a Tom Cruise film which will be part­ly shot in space, is at the ori­gin of the project. If and when SEE‑1 is oper­a­tional, it plans to host tele­vi­sion and film pro­duc­tions, as well as music events and some sports, which can be filmed or broad­cast live, accord­ing to Variety.

Axiom Space, which two years ago won a con­tract with NASA to build the first com­mer­cial ISS mod­ule, will build the sta­tion. Every­thing is going well, SEE‑1 will be con­nect­ed to the Axiom arm of the ISS. The Axiom sta­tion is expect­ed to sep­a­rate from the ISS in 2028 with SEE‑1 still attached.

It remains to be seen if SEE and Axiom can car­ry out their plan. SEE has­n’t said how much the instal­la­tion will cost, for one thing. He is cur­rent­ly prepar­ing a fundraiser.

Last year, a Russ­ian team shot a fea­ture film in space for the first time, edg­ing out Cruise and his direc­tor Doug Liman. This film, The Chal­lenge, should be released this year. Cruise and Liman, mean­while, are set to shoot their movie on the ISS lat­er in 2022.

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