Happy One-Year Old Shoots Self in Car Accidentally, Parents Lash Out at Police

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Cal­i­for­nia police are inves­ti­gat­ing how a 1‑year-old girl sup­pos­ed­ly shot her­self in her car in Oak­land on Monday.

Offi­cers first respond­ed after gun­shot detec­tion tech­nol­o­gy known as ShotSpot­ter was acti­vat­ed around 6:15 p.m. (9:15 p.m. ET), accord­ing to reports.

Dur­ing the response, police received a call that a young child had been shot and tak­en to a near­by fire sta­tion, the depart­ment alleged in a statement.

Sur­veil­lance footage cap­tured images of what seemed to be a red sedan tum­bling into the fire sta­tion and its pas­sen­gers emerg­ing and bang­ing on the fire sta­tion’s door for aid, local media reported.

“A wit­ness claimed, ‘I heard scream­ing and bang­ing, so I ran out and saw a cam­era right here.

“I ran out and yeah, I saw a baby,” the wit­ness said. “She was cry­ing on the ground so they gave her CPR.

The Oak­land Fire Depart­ment said fire­fight­ers pro­vid­ed care before an ambu­lance arrived and the child was rushed to UCSF Benioff Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal. The baby’s con­di­tion was sta­ble ear­ly Tuesday.

An image of the red sedan where the child alleged­ly shot her­self shows the inte­ri­or rid­dled with bul­let holes.

Police have not pub­licly iden­ti­fied a shoot­er or said if this was inten­tion­al, acci­den­tal ortar­get­ed. The par­ents have dis­missed this as “police stu­pid­i­ty” and mis­con­duct, insist­ing their daugh­ter would nev­er hurt herself.

Oak­land Police and Oak­land Fire Depart­ment did not imme­di­ate­ly com­ment overnight.

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