CINEMA: Jada Pinkett Smith shares 5‑hour time lapse make-up video for Matrix Resurrections.

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The Matrix Res­ur­rec­tions brought the sci-fi fran­chise back to screens after near­ly two decades, with Keanu Reeves, Car­rie-Anne Moss and oth­ers return­ing to the series to reprise their roles. Among those actors is Jada Pin­kett Smith, who joined the fran­chise in The Matrix Reloaded, appeared in the sequel The Matrix Rev­o­lu­tions, and again plays Niobe in The Matrix Res­ur­rec­tions. How­ev­er, her lat­est appear­ance is dras­ti­cal­ly dif­fer­ent from her pre­vi­ous out­ing as Niobe is 60, and in a new video the actress revealed the incred­i­ble 5‑hour trans­for­ma­tion she went through to get her look for the sequel.

It is well known that many actors have to endure long and tedious make­up process­es when appear­ing in films that use the proven CGI Prac­ti­cal Effects on Aging and Aging tech­nique. With some of the actors appear­ing in fan­ta­sy epics like The Lord of the Rings hav­ing to endure hours of dai­ly grind to get into char­ac­ter, the time-lapse video shared by Pin­kett Smith just gives a hint of what that entails. She com­ment­ed on the video: “Jada’s 5 hour trans­for­ma­tion into the one and only Niobe in Matrix Resurrections.”

Niobe’s char­ac­ter was intro­duced in The Matrix Reloaded as a human from Zion, who is one of the rebels bat­tling the Matrix and cap­tain of the Logos, the small­est ship in the human fleet. With­in the Matrix, Niobe is a mar­tial arts expert and has elim­i­nat­ed more than one agent, and has sur­vived mul­ti­ple fights with numer­ous vir­tu­al world assas­sins, includ­ing the enti­ty called Agent Smith. In addi­tion to appear­ing in pre­vi­ous films, the char­ac­ter was the pro­tag­o­nist of the Enter The Matrix video game and appeared in The Matrix Online, voiced by Gina Tor­res, who actu­al­ly appeared as Cas in The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. .

While direct­ing The Matrix Res­ur­rec­tions, Jada Pin­kett Smith helped fran­chise new­com­er Priyan­ka Chopra Jonas, who was wor­ried about return­ing to a film­ing envi­ron­ment for her role in the film. Speak­ing in a pre­vi­ous inter­view, Chopra Jonas explained:

“It was the first time I toured after our lock­down and it was in Berlin. I was fly­ing from Los Ange­les to Berlin and after going nowhere for six months, it was ter­ri­fy­ing. And because of it. of our job, we’re the only peo­ple on set who have to take our masks off. I have asth­ma, my hus­band [Nick Jonas] has type 1 dia­betes, it was so ter­ri­fy­ing. I remem­ber cry­ing and Jada was in the fly with me Chief She held my hand and said, “We’re gonna do this togeth­er.” She’s a boss, I love her. ”

Giv­en the mixed reac­tion to the pre­vi­ous two install­ments of The Matrix, it’s no sur­prise that the com­plex addi­tion has also divid­ed fans, with audi­ence and review scores on Rot­ten Toma­toes hov­er­ing between 64% and 66% due to its intri­cate plot linked to the many dif­fer­ent medi­ums in which the film series has devel­oped over the years. The Matrix Res­ur­rec­tions is cur­rent­ly play­ing in the­aters and on HBO Max.

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