CINEMA: Mortal Kombat was the top-streaming new movie of 2021 on HBO Max.

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The new Mor­tal Kom­bat took a clear vic­to­ry over HBO Max. Released both in the­aters and on the stream­ing ser­vice last year, Mor­tal Kom­bat was part of Warn­er­Me­di­a’s over­all plan to give each of their major movie releas­es a date-and-date release in 2021. From Busi­ness Insid­er, the View­er­ship num­bers for the year have all been com­piled into one list, and Mor­tal Kom­bat is named as the most-broad­cast­ed title of them for its open­ing week­end with 3.8 mil­lion house­holds show­ing the film.

These view­er­ship fig­ures are from Sam­baTV and rep­re­sent house­holds that watched at least five min­utes of the film in the first four days of its release. The final­ist for Mor­tal Kom­bat was the antic­i­pat­ed crossover Godzil­la vs. Kong with 3.6 mil­lion view­ers. The recent release of the new sequel The Matrix Res­ur­rec­tions drew a much small­er num­ber with 2.8 mil­lion house­holds watch­ing over the same peri­od, although it should be not­ed that more and more movie­go­ers have ven­tured out. to see movies on the big screen as 2021 progressed.

It is still unclear whether there will be a sequel to Mor­tal Kom­bat as a sequel has not been offi­cial­ly announced. The door is open for the sto­ry to con­tin­ue, as Sub-Zero actor Joe Taslim has said he’s signed up to star in sev­er­al films, should the fran­chise move on. Direc­tor Simon McQuoid has also said he’s ready to take over the direc­tor’s chair for Mor­tal Kom­bat 2 but it’s not his deci­sion, sug­gest­ing it’s up to fans to make that happen.

“The sequels are a lit­tle tricky because you can’t ignore them entire­ly, as it would­n’t be a smart move, but nei­ther of us used the ‘word.’ We would nev­er talk about it in depth because we think we need to put all of our ener­gy into this movie, ”McQuoid said of Mor­tal Kom­bat 2.“ That being said, if fans want anoth­er one, it’s not for us to decide; that’s up to the fans to decide. Then we need a few pieces of wood­work that we know can get us some­where because there’s a trea­sure trove of things right there. ”

The first film feels like it serves to set up some­thing big­ger, so it would be a shame if the sto­ry did­n’t con­tin­ue. If the sequel nev­er hap­pens, fans will also have to for­go see­ing pop­u­lar char­ac­ter John­ny Cage in the tour­na­ment. Cage did not appear in the first film although his intro­duc­tion in a pos­si­ble sequel has been teased. No one has been cast for the role yet with­out the sequel offi­cial­ly hap­pen­ing, but fans have been show­ing a lot of inter­est in see­ing WWE’s The Miz take on the role.

Mor­tal Kom­bat is direct­ed by Simon McQuoid and writ­ten by the crew of Greg Rus­so and Dave Calla­ham. If you want to see the movie, it’s cur­rent­ly stream­ing on HBO Max. Time will tell if the sequel ever hap­pens, but the longer the orig­i­nal movie airs, the high­er the chances of a fol­low-up movie.

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