GAMES: e‑sports tournament held on PS5, is providing easy-to-participate events

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Sony’s ‘PlaySta­tion’ tour­na­ment is final­ly playable on PS5. The biggest update may sim­ply be the increased abil­i­ty to par­tic­i­pate in events.

eSports for All” focus­es on short tour­na­ments that are held at reg­u­lar inter­vals, so it should be eas­i­er for you to find tour­na­ments that suit your lifestyle. Sony may also cre­ate mul­ti­ple brack­ets to keep the peri­od going.

Plus, you can sign up direct­ly from your con­sole, so you don’t have to move to anoth­er device.

In addi­tion, the new PlaySta­tion Tour­na­ment sys­tem uti­lizes PS5® activ­i­ty cards and noti­fi­ca­tions to revamp the inter­face for search­ing for events, check­ing results (auto­mat­ic updates), and play­ing time notifications.

You can find tour­na­ments from each sec­tion of the game’s home screen. And in addi­tion to match­es, Dis­cord’s com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter promis­es both chats, inter­views, and gam­ing sessions.

Any­one with a PlayStation®Plus mem­ber­ship in an eli­gi­ble coun­try can par­tic­i­pate, and the first PS5® tour­na­ment will focus on FIFA 23, Guilty Gear Strive, and NBA 2K23. increase.

Prizes range from in-game cur­ren­cy to cash to PlaySta­tion® hard­ware to “expe­ri­ences”.

To encour­age par­tic­i­pa­tion, Sony plans to run “Win-A-Thon” qual­i­fy­ing events between Decem­ber 1st and Jan­u­ary 31st to reward play­ers for bet­ter per­for­mance in region­al tour­na­ments. is.

This cam­paign will also be avail­able to cus­tomers with PS4™.

Sim­i­lar to Microsoft­’s Xbox Live tour­na­ments, PlaySta­tion’s esports offer­ings are designed to keep users engaged and spend­ing money.

They are more like­ly to buy the lat­est sports titles when they know they can get paid in the real world. Still, the PS5™ expan­sion could make esports more acces­si­ble to cur­rent users.

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