H&M closes shop after customer finds bugs on clothes.

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A Twit­ter user @Madesonee_, who works at H&M locat­ed in the Ocu­lus of the World Trade Cen­ter in Man­hat­tan, said the lit­tle brown bugs were seen crawl­ing on a rack of hood­ies on Wednesday.

Mades­onee shared pho­tos of the bugs, as well as her dis­ap­point­ment with the way the store han­dled it, which report­ed­ly includ­ed remov­ing the area while keep­ing the store open and fail­ing to noti­fy oth­er employees.

Her tweet has since gone viral, and a spokesper­son for the fash­ion com­pa­ny told they have now closed the store out of “being cautious.”

A New York H&M tem­porar­i­ly closed after an employ­ee wrote on Twit­ter that a cus­tomer found clothes full of bugs

The employ­ee, who works at H&M locat­ed in the Ocu­lus of the World Trade Cen­ter in Man­hat­tan, said the bugs were seen crawl­ing on a rack of hood­ies on Wednesday.

Mades­onee shared pho­tos of the bugs, as well as her dis­ap­point­ment with the way man­agers han­dled it, which report­ed­ly includ­ed remov­ing the area while keep­ing the store open and fail­ing to noti­fy oth­er employ­ees.
Mades­onee shared sev­er­al pho­tos on Twit­ter, show­ing a rack of at least half a dozen light-col­ored hood­ies teem­ing with sev­er­al bugs.

She said it was a cus­tomer who dis­cov­ered the pests on the sweat­shirts, which were all new from a recent shipment.

“I work at H&M in the World Trade Ocu­lus and today a client dis­cov­ered lice on a dis­play of hood­ies,” she wrote.

“They don’t close the store and let the employ­ees know about the prob­lem. The sec­tion has just been blocked.

In anoth­er tweet, she said the clothes haven’t been on the rack for a very long time as they “get ship­ments every day.”

She also said it was the first time she had seen some­thing like it in the store, but rec­om­mend­ed that cus­tomers wash any­thing they buy before wear­ing them.

The wom­an’s post quick­ly went viral, and a spokesper­son for H&M told they were work­ing to rec­ti­fy the situation.

“We take the safe­ty of cus­tomers and employ­ees very seri­ous­ly,” said the rep­re­sen­ta­tive. “As a pre­cau­tion, we have closed the H&M store at West­field World Trade Cen­ter for a full investigation.”

She shared a few pho­tos of the bugs on Twit­ter and crit­i­cized the cloth­ing com­pa­ny for not doing more about the situation.

In anoth­er tweet, the woman revealed the clothes haven’t been on the rack for a very long time as they “get ship­ments every day”

She also said it was the first time she had seen some­thing like it in the store, but rec­om­mend­ed that cus­tomers wash any­thing they buy before wear­ing them.
Before H&M closed the store, how­ev­er, com­men­ta­tors shared their dis­taste for the pho­tos, call­ing them a health and safe­ty hazard.

“Watch­ing him itched,” one wrote.

“This is exact­ly why phys­i­cal stores are dying day by day. The con­cept of pub­lic shop­ping is crude and under­stat­ed, ”said some­one else.

Sev­er­al com­ments ques­tioned Mades­onee’s descrip­tion of bed­bugs as lice, claim­ing that lice are actu­al­ly much small­er — some insist­ing that they were in fact bed bugs.

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