NEWS: Pakistan
A father allegedly shot his seven-day-old daughter because he wanted his firstborn to be a boy.

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Cops in Pak­istan arrest­ed Shahza­ib Khan on Thurs­day after he alleged­ly pulled the trig­ger on his own new­born child because of his gender.

The shock­ing inci­dent report­ed­ly took place in the city of Mian­wali, locat­ed in the Pun­jab province, on Mon­day, March 7.

The baby’s great-uncle, Hiday­at­ul­lah Khan, told local media: “A baby girl was born… He was furious.”

The autop­sy revealed that lit­tle Jan­nah, which means “par­adise”, was shot five times and killed instantly.

Faisal Edhi, who heads the largest social wel­fare char­i­ty group in Pak­istan’s biggest city, Karachi, said more than 500 infant bod­ies had been found aban­doned in the past two years. Most were girls.

It is believed that fam­i­lies often do not want daugh­ters, as they are expect­ed to pay a dowry when they marry.

And the coun­try has a strong “hon­or” cul­ture, where­by a woman can eas­i­ly tar­nish her fam­i­ly’s “rep­u­ta­tion” with cer­tain behav­iors — usu­al­ly sex-related.

The case has now sparked fury in Pak­istan, with locals flood­ing social media to share their disgust.

One man wrote: “It is beyond bar­barism, bru­tal­i­ty and vio­lence. The only way to stop this bru­tal­i­ty is to hang him publicly.

Anoth­er added: “I’m deeply dis­gust­ed. I feel ter­ri­bly for the moth­er. Look at the beau­ti­ful daugh­ter she had. Women rule the world, it’s 2022.”

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