Suicide rate which had been declining for two years rises again

Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst on February 28, 2020 in New York
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The num­ber of peo­ple who died by sui­cide increased from 2020 to 2021, after a tem­po­rary decline, accord­ing to pre­lim­i­nary data released Fri­day by the Nation­al Cen­ter for Health Statistics.

Experts say this indi­cates that sui­cide rates are return­ing to pre-pan­dem­ic levels.

In 2021, 47,646 peo­ple will die by sui­cide in the Unit­ed States, up from 45,979 in 2020. This is an increase of almost 4%.

Experts had expect­ed the sui­cide rate to peak in 2018 after near­ly two decades of steady growth. There was a slight decrease in both 2019 and 2020.

Julie Ser­rell, direc­tor of the Sui­cide Pre­ven­tion and Expo­sure Insti­tute at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ken­tucky, says the rea­sons for these declines are unclear.

“In 2019, some­thing changed,” he said. “Whether it was because we were doing the right thing or not, I don’t know.”

Sui­cide rates did not increase in 2020 despite the stress asso­ci­at­ed with the pan­dem­ic. Ser­rell said, “I’m not surprised.”

At the begin­ning of the pan­dem­ic, “peo­ple were look­ing out for each oth­er,” he said. My fam­i­ly was most­ly togeth­er at home, work­ing and study­ing remote­ly. Ser­rell says peo­ple tend to die by sui­cide in the absence of others.

The 2021 increase is like­ly to part­ly reflect a return to normalcy.

The report found that men aged 15–24 are still at high­er risk than oth­er groups. There will be 24.1 sui­cides per 100,000 peo­ple in 2021, up 8% from 22.4 in 2020.

Michael Lind­sey, dean of New York Uni­ver­si­ty’s Sil­ver School of Social Work, said: “The high­er per­cent­age of young men may be more like­ly to engage in high-risk behav­ior and access the most lethal means of attempt­ed sui­cide. ’ said. Lind­sey’s research focus­es on sui­cide pre­ven­tion in young peo­ple, espe­cial­ly black youth.

The report does not pro­vide a racial/ethnic break­down of recent sui­cides. How­ev­er, pre­vi­ous research points to a wor­ry­ing increase among black youth.

There is also an increase in sui­cide rates among men aged 24–44 and men aged 65–74.

While men have his­tor­i­cal­ly com­mit­ted more sui­cides than women, the report high­lights anoth­er wor­ry­ing trend: sui­cide among school-aged girls.

In 2020, 204 girls aged 10–14 died by sui­cide. In 2021, that num­ber will increase by 16% to 237. How­ev­er, due to the small over­all num­bers in this age group, the dif­fer­ence is not con­sid­ered sta­tis­ti­cal­ly significant.

“Don’t jump to con­clu­sions,” said Ser­rell. “But we also have to keep an eye on young girls.”

Lind­sey says all the increas­es cit­ed in the report reflect the demand for more men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als to address the grow­ing problem.

“There­fore, ‘The required num­ber of providers does not exist.

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