Straight Man Proudly Wears Women’s Clothing to Work as a Robotics Engineer

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Mark Bryan, a 63-year-old robot­ics engi­neer from Dal­las, Texas, has been wear­ing wom­en’s skirts and heels to his day job for the past five years. 

Despite receiv­ing stares from strangers, Mark sees cloth­ing as ‘gen­der­less’ and believes that fash­ion is about per­son­al expres­sion rather than gen­der or sexuality.

Grow­ing up in Dal­las, Mark’s style was influ­enced by the 70s music group Kiss, who per­formed in heeled plat­form shoes. While he always took pride in his appear­ance, Mark did­n’t exper­i­ment with heels until college. 

How­ev­er, he has always been fas­ci­nat­ed by stilet­tos and high heels and would wear them in pri­vate with his girl­friend at the time.

Despite receiv­ing some back­lash from the LGBTQ+ com­mu­ni­ty, who accused him of not stand­ing with them, Mark’s wife sup­ports his style choices. 

He believes that cloth­ing is a form of per­son­al expres­sion and does­n’t shy away from wear­ing what he likes to work, except on the foot­ball pitch.

Mark’s sto­ry is a tes­ta­ment to the evolv­ing nature of gen­der norms and the increas­ing accep­tance of diverse expres­sions of per­son­al style.

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