CINEMA: The Batman blows away the box office with $128.5 million in its opening weekend.

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Bruce Wayne has done it again. The Bat­man proved to be a resound­ing suc­cess at the box office with a total of $128.5 mil­lion, the sec­ond high­est open­ing of any film in the pan­dem­ic era behind only Spi­der-Man: No Way Home. This fol­lows Fri­day’s $57 mil­lion haul, which includ­ed $21.6 mil­lion in pre­views and fan screen­ings in Imax the­atres in the days before. There had been con­cerns at Warn­er Bros. that the near­ly three-hour run­time and high­er tick­et prices would dis­cour­age par­tic­i­pa­tion, but this is clear­ly not the case.

Com­pare this $128.5 mil­lion haul to last week’s No. 1 film, Unchart­ed, which grossed $23.2 mil­lion in its sec­ond week­end in the­aters nation­wide to get an idea of how suc­cess­ful The Bat­man is. The film, direct­ed by Matt Reeves and star­ring Robert Pat­tin­son, intro­duces a new Bat­man con­ti­nu­ity that is dis­tinct from the DCEU with oth­er Bat­men played by Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton. While the film­mak­ers were con­fi­dent in the film, there was no guar­an­tee that it would be as well received as it was, giv­en the recep­tion of oth­er Bat­man films like Bat­man & Robin.

Along­side Pat­tin­son, The Bat­man stars Zoe Kravitz as Cat­woman, Paul Dano as the Rid­dler, John Tur­tur­ro as Carmine Fal­cone, Col­in Far­rell as Oswald Cob­ble­pot, Andy Serkis as Alfred Pen­ny­worth and Jef­frey Wright as Jim Gor­don. Co-writ­ten by Reeves and Peter Craig, the film takes up two years in Bat­man’s life as Gotham City’s crime fight­er as a ser­i­al killer known as the Rid­dler tar­gets the city’s elites, includ­ing Bruce Wayne.

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