Ex-Nickelodeon star Allie Dimeco reveals being forced to kiss a 30-year-old man on set

Ex-Nickelodeon star Allie Dimeco
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In a recent Tik­Tok video, for­mer Nick­elodeon actress Allie Dime­co opened up about a dis­turb­ing inci­dent that took place dur­ing the film­ing of “The Naked Broth­ers Band” when she was only 14 or 15 years old. The actress, now 31, claimed she was forced to kiss a 30-year-old man on set despite express­ing dis­com­fort and objection.

Dime­co’s shock­ing rev­e­la­tion comes short­ly after the release of the doc­u­men­tary “Qui­et on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV,” which exposed alarm­ing alle­ga­tions of child abuse and mis­treat­ment with­in the indus­try, includ­ing accu­sa­tions against Nick­elodeon star Drake Bell.

The for­mer child star shared footage from the show, reveal­ing the stark age dif­fer­ence between her and the man she was made to kiss. She expressed her dis­com­fort with the sit­u­a­tion, say­ing, “He’s a 30-year-old man. I could­n’t even watch it. It gives me the ick, and it hon­est­ly gives me PTSD.”

Dime­co explained that it’s cru­cial for kids on set to feel com­fort­able express­ing their dis­com­fort and bound­aries, but more impor­tant­ly, for pro­duc­ers to lis­ten and not force young actors into sit­u­a­tions they are not okay with. Despite her objec­tions and her moth­er’s dis­ap­proval, Dime­co said she felt pres­sured to kiss the man, fear­ing she might lose her job if she refused.

In the com­ments sec­tion, Dime­co fur­ther revealed that the man who played the char­ac­ter was­n’t even a pro­fes­sion­al actor. “He was the back­up gui­tarist for live shows and prac­ticed with us in band prac­tice and always want­ed to be writ­ten in,” she shared.

In a pre­vi­ous Tik­Tok, Dime­co also dis­cussed why she left act­ing, recount­ing anoth­er dis­tress­ing on-set expe­ri­ence dur­ing which she was threat­ened with ter­mi­na­tion if she refused to kiss her co-star Nat Wolff. A female pro­duc­er alleged­ly inter­vened by grab­bing and kiss­ing Dime­co, say­ing, “There, your first kiss is over. You had your first kiss, now go film.”

As more for­mer child stars come for­ward with sto­ries of mis­treat­ment and abuse with­in the indus­try, it’s clear that urgent action must be tak­en to pro­tect young actors and ensure their well-being on set.

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