Man dies of vitamin D toxicity , raising concerns about supplement safety

Man dies of vitamin D toxicity , raising concerns about supplement safety
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Dude takes way too much vit­a­min D, RIP. A man in Eng­land trag­i­cal­ly passed away after tak­ing high dos­es of vit­a­min D sup­ple­ments for months. This inci­dent is rais­ing con­cerns about the poten­tial dan­gers of tak­ing too much of this pop­u­lar sup­ple­ment. ⚠️

Hold up, Vit­a­min D can be bad? ‍♀️ Appar­ent­ly, yes. While vit­a­min D is essen­tial for bone health and oth­er func­tions, tak­ing exces­sive amounts can lead to vit­a­min D tox­i­c­i­ty, which can be seri­ous­ly harm­ful. ☠️

So, how much is too much? Experts rec­om­mend most adults get around 600 IU of vit­a­min D dai­ly. Tak­ing over 60,000 IU dai­ly for months can be dan­ger­ous. This can cause high cal­ci­um lev­els in your body, lead­ing to issues like weak­ness, nau­sea, and even kid­ney prob­lems.

The bot­tom line? Vit­a­min D is great, but don’t go over­board. Stick to the rec­om­mend­ed dosage and talk to your doc­tor before tak­ing any high-dose sup­ple­ments. Remem­ber, more isn’t always bet­ter! ‍♀️

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