New ‘Miracle’ Weight Loss Drug Could Transform Lives Of 93 Million Obese Americans

Miracle' Weight Loss Drug Could Transform Lives Of 93 Million Obese Wegovy drugs thrown in the air_
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A break­through obe­si­ty drug hailed as a poten­tial “mir­a­cle cure” could help a stag­ger­ing 93 mil­lion over­weight Amer­i­cans shed pounds, bomb­shell new research reveals.

The injec­tion called Wegovy mim­ics a hunger-bust­ing hor­mone to sup­press appetite and trig­ger dra­mat­ic weight loss.

Now experts say the jab’s effects are so pro­found it should be dished out en masse to tack­le Amer­i­ca’s obe­si­ty crisis.

Study leader Dr Nathan Wong said: “This is one of the biggest advances ever in treat­ing obe­si­ty and heart disease.”

He added: “We now have a weight con­trol ther­a­py that sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces car­dio­vas­cu­lar events beyond just diabetes.”

Tri­als show Wegovy sparks aver­age weight loss of 15% in patients too fat for oth­er treatments.

Obese peo­ple giv­en the week­ly shot also saw plung­ing blood pres­sure and “bad” cholesterol.

Based on pop­u­la­tion data, Dr Wong’s team cal­cu­lat­ed 93 mil­lion Amer­i­cans are eli­gi­ble for the injection.

Get­ting Wegovy to suit­able patients could pre­vent 1.5 mil­lion heart attacks and strokes over a decade, they claim.

But experts cau­tioned peo­ple should not take any drug with­out con­sult­ing a doctor.

The jab is cur­rent­ly approved for chron­ic weight man­age­ment in obese adults with con­di­tions like high blood pressure.

But Dr Wong said: “It should be con­sid­ered for any obese or over­weight patient where heart dis­ease is the lead­ing cause of death.”

Amer­i­ca faces an obe­si­ty explo­sion, with half of adults fore­cast to be dan­ger­ous­ly over­weight by 2030.

One in four will be severe­ly obese, rais­ing their risk of heart fail­ure, dia­betes and cancer.

But Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty nutri­tion expert Dr John Ioan­ni­dis warned long term data on Wegovy’s safe­ty is still lacking.

He said: “There is poten­tial for ben­e­fit, but we need to see the full picture.”

Mak­er Novo Nordisk plans to appeal to health chiefs to widen access to Wegovy.

If approved, mil­lions could ditch dan­ger­ous fat for good and trans­form their health prospects.

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