Woman Claims All-Beef Diet Saved Her from Chronic Illness

Canadian blogger Mikhaila Peterson
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Pod­cast­er details health turn­around from rare arthri­tis and depres­sion through con­tro­ver­sial “Lion Diet” con­sist­ing sole­ly of beef.

While bal­anced nutri­tion is typ­i­cal­ly rec­om­mend­ed, Cana­di­an blog­ger Mikhaila Peter­son says eat­ing only beef prod­ucts for six years has trans­formed her health, pulling her back from near-invalid sta­tus in her teen years due to juve­nile rheuma­toid arthritis.

After joint replace­ments at age 17 and sub­se­quent bat­tles with chron­ic fatigue, depres­sion and skin issues, Peter­son took her well­ness into her own hands at 22 by exper­i­ment­ing with diet, drop­ping out of bio­med­ical school. She soon dis­cov­ered that a reg­i­men of steak, ground beef and occa­sion­al soup has her feel­ing bet­ter than ever before.

In an inter­view, Peter­son recalled being unable to get out of bed or walk nor­mal­ly as a teen, depen­dent on med­ica­tion. Now 31 and the moth­er of two, she says blood­work and phys­i­cal abil­i­ty prove the effi­ca­cy of her approach, which coun­ters typ­i­cal med­ical guidance.

Eat­ing three beef meals dai­ly with no plant foods, the social media per­son­al­i­ty has turned hob­by into high-pro­file career through pod­cast, blog and pub­lic talks edu­cat­ing about man­ag­ing pain and fatigue through diet alone.

From near-death state in her youth, Peterson’s con­tro­ver­sial way of eat­ing goes against rules most dieti­cians would rec­om­mend but she claims it has healed chron­ic dis­ease and allowed her high qual­i­ty of life. While experts express shock, she believes shar­ing her path could help peo­ple han­dling sim­i­lar debil­i­tat­ing symptoms.

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