Almost 1 million asylum seekers in the EU in 2022

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Near­ly one mil­lion peo­ple will apply for inter­na­tion­al pro­tec­tion in the EU in 2022, accord­ing to data released Wednes­day, with the num­ber of asy­lum appli­ca­tions reach­ing lev­els not seen since the 2015–2016 refugee crisis.

Accord­ing to the EU asy­lum author­i­ty, there were 966,000 asy­lum appli­ca­tions in the EU27 coun­tries, Nor­way and Switzer­land last year, a 50% increase from 2021.

This does not include the more than 4 mil­lion Ukrain­ian refugees grant­ed tem­po­rary pro­tec­tion in the EU, a spe­cial mech­a­nism set in motion to avoid the col­lapse of an already jammed asy­lum system.

Euro­pean agen­cies have linked the increase to con­tin­ued eas­ing of COVID-19 trav­el restric­tions, ris­ing food inse­cu­ri­ty and con­flicts around the world.

Most asy­lum seek­ers enter the EU legal­ly by air on trav­el visas, but some cross the EU land and sea bor­ders with­out per­mis­sion, main­ly via the West­ern Balka­ns and the Mediter­ranean. Some pass.

After more than a decade of war and eco­nom­ic col­lapse in their own coun­try, Syr­i­ans remain the lead­ing nation­al­i­ty of asy­lum seek­ers in Europe, with more than 130,000 applications.

This was close­ly fol­lowed by Afghans flee­ing a spi­ral of secu­ri­ty, human­i­tar­i­an and eco­nom­ic prob­lems after the Tal­iban occu­pa­tion in August 2021, with 129,000 applications.

Appli­cants from Turkey came third, dou­bling the num­ber to 55,000. Ris­ing infla­tion and a “rever­sal of democ­ra­cy” are among the fac­tors behind the increase, the agency said.

In many places recep­tion cen­ters are over­run and asy­lum seek­ers are left on the streets.

Recent earth­quakes that have killed near­ly 46,000 peo­ple and left hun­dreds of thou­sands home­less in Turkey and Syr­ia have raised con­cerns about a poten­tial increase in irreg­u­lar bor­der cross­ings to Greece.

Ger­many ear­li­er this month pro­posed tem­porar­i­ly eas­ing visas for some of the earth­quake vic­tims, and Spain sent a small group of 100 vul­ner­a­ble Syr­i­an refugees from Turkey, which hosts 4 mil­lion refugees. promised to resettle

Venezue­lans, Colom­bians, Bangladeshis and Geor­gians applied for asy­lum in record num­bers last year, as did Moroc­cans, Tunisians and Egyp­tians. About 4% of asy­lum seek­ers in 2022 claim to be unac­com­pa­nied minors.

The Euro­pean Agency has not spec­i­fied which EU coun­tries received the most appli­ca­tions last year. But an inter­nal EU immi­gra­tion report seen by The Asso­ci­at­ed Press puts Ger­many, France, Spain, Aus­tria and Italy in the top five.

Asy­lum author­i­ties resolved more than 600,000 claims last year, but received many more new ones, exac­er­bat­ing exist­ing deten­tion sit­u­a­tions. Of the appli­ca­tions ana­lyzed, 40% were grant­ed refugee or sub­sidiary pro­tec­tion status.

Most of them were appli­cants from Syr­ia, Belarus, Eritrea, Yemen, Mali and the major­i­ty of Ukraini­ans who chose to apply for asy­lum rather than tem­po­rary protection.

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