NEWS: England
A mother who named her son Lucifer claims to be the target of criticism on the internet.

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Josie Barnes, 27, took part in the debate on the Jere­my Vine show as they dis­cussed whether it was rude to crit­i­cize peo­ple’s choice of baby names.

She had named her sev­en month old son Lucifer and also has a six year old daugh­ter with six mid­dle names.

The Ply­mouth moth­er-of-two said Lucifer came to her mind once.

She told Ply­mouth Live: “There was no inspi­ra­tion for the name. I have looked at a lot of baby books and I like unusu­al names. I don’t like hav­ing stan­dard names.

“I assumed I had a daugh­ter so I chose a girl’s name because we are a very female dom­i­nat­ed fam­i­ly — I was going to call her Nar­nia, but I found out that I had a boy.

“I like names that I like, it may not be right for oth­er peo­ple. When I chose his name, I knew peo­ple would­n’t like him, but it’s not theirs to decide.

Josie King, who named her son Lucifer, has been crit­i­cized for the name choice by many netizens

The mum-of-two has been called into a debate on the Jere­my Vine show about baby names.

“I had a few fam­i­ly mem­bers who said ‘you can’t call it that’, but I said I’m not reli­gious so it does­n’t rep­re­sent what oth­er peo­ple think it represents.

“But my dad knows how I am and how I love being unique, so he said it looks like you.”

Josie says she has received a lot of hate­ful com­ments since appear­ing on TV, but has also received a lot of sup­port­ive mes­sages from peo­ple who also like her son’s name.

She said: “I have had a lot of hate ever since I was on Jere­my Vine but it still does­n’t change my opin­ion, I don’t regret choos­ing that name.

“I’ve had mes­sages all day. I had­n’t real­ized that an impulse phone call to Chan­nel 5 would end up get­ting so many.

“I think peo­ple have a right to have an opin­ion — it’s most­ly the old­er gen­er­a­tion who don’t like it.

“I love the name because I love it, I don’t think it rep­re­sents the dev­il to me.

“If the dev­il was called any­thing else, you would­n’t like that name either. It’s about the mind­set of peo­ple with the name.

“Peo­ple have asked me why, but I say why not?

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