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Six-month-old baby undergoes 2 life-saving operations in 2 months.

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A six-month-old boy who had his first life-sav­ing heart oper­a­tion at 13 days old is now recov­er­ing from his second.

Lin­coln Edwards, from Wrex­ham, was born with a con­gen­i­tal con­di­tion which meant he need­ed surgery to improve his blood circulation.

Then last month he under­went nine hours of surgery to ful­ly repair his heart.

Today, her par­ents raise mon­ey for a char­i­ty that treats chil­dren in sim­i­lar con­di­tions in devel­op­ing countries.

Lin­coln is recov­er­ing at home with mom and dad Geor­gia Struthers, 22, and Kallum Edwards, 24.

His last oper­a­tion was six months ahead of sched­ule because he had out­grown his shunt — or tube.

The oper­a­tion was per­formed by Dr Ramana Dhan­na­puneni at Liv­er­pool Alder Hey Chil­dren’s Hospital.

Ms. Struthers and Mr. Edwards now want to help him save the lives of chil­dren in devel­op­ing countries.

The cou­ple are rais­ing mon­ey for a char­i­ty that Dr. Dhan­na­puneni works with called Heal­ing Lit­tle Hearts.

Found­ed in 2007, it has per­formed more than 2,200 oper­a­tions in 14 coun­tries in Africa and Asia, where treat­ments are nor­mal­ly unavail­able or expensive.

Doc­tors and nurs­es work for free in their spare time.

Rela­tion­ship con­sul­tant Ms Struthers said fund­ing one of the char­i­ty’s over­seas mis­sions seemed like a fit­ting way to say thank you.

Dr Ramana Dhan­na­puneni oper­at­ed on Lin­coln at Alder Hey Hos­pi­tal in Liv­er­pool
“We want to give these kids the chance Lin­coln got,” she said.

“If the shoe was on the oth­er foot and it was us, we could nev­er afford the treat­ment that Lin­coln went through.

“With­out it he would­n’t have a chance to live and we would­n’t have him.”

Dr Dhan­na­puneni has just returned from a trip to Namib­ia, where 10 chil­dren and babies were oper­at­ed on in five days.

He said that in many coun­tries, par­ents strug­gled to find a place where they could afford to seek treat­ment for their sick children.

“It’s a mas­sive effect of our char­i­ta­ble mis­sions. There are good sto­ries of chil­dren’s heart cen­ters being cre­at­ed from scratch.”

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