50 Cent Taunts Rival Diddy Amidst Federal Raids on Hip Hop Mogul’s Homes

50 Cent and Diddy
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As news of the fed­er­al raids on Sean “Did­dy” Combs’ homes sur­faced, fel­low rap­per 50 Cent took to Insta­gram to share his thoughts. In a series of posts, 50 Cent taunt­ed his rival, insin­u­at­ing that the raids were a sign of seri­ous trouble.

“S*** just got real,” the “In Da Club” singer wrote in his cap­tion, ref­er­enc­ing TMZ’s cov­er­age of the raids. “The Fed’s in all the cribs, d*** they got the kids in cuffs.”

In anoth­er post, 50 Cent com­ment­ed on the sever­i­ty of the sit­u­a­tion, stat­ing, “Now it’s not Did­dy do it, it’s Did­dy done. They don’t come like that unless they got a case.”

The reac­tion from 50 Cent comes as var­i­ous Hol­ly­wood stars and for­mer col­lab­o­ra­tors respond to the fed­er­al raids on Did­dy’s homes in Los Ange­les and Mia­mi. For­mer Dan­i­ty Kane mem­ber Aubrey O’Day shared her sup­port for the alleged vic­tims, while attor­ney Dou­glas Wig­dor, rep­re­sent­ing Cassie Ven­tu­ra in a law­suit against Did­dy, expressed hope for accountability.

As fed­er­al author­i­ties con­tin­ue their inves­ti­ga­tion into sex traf­fick­ing alle­ga­tions, the pub­lic awaits fur­ther updates on the poten­tial con­nec­tion between these raids and the ongo­ing legal cas­es involv­ing Sean “Did­dy” Combs.

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  1. 50 Cent's Ex-Partner Daphne Joy Named in Diddy's $30 Million Lawsuit Amid Sex-Trafficking Allegations - scandalsmag

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