Rebel Wilson Accuses Sacha Baron Cohen of Sexual Harassment and Unprofessional Behavior on Set

Rebel Wilson Accuses Sacha Baron Cohen of Sexual Harassment
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Rebel Wil­son’s upcom­ing mem­oir, ‘Rebel Ris­ing,’ has ignit­ed con­tro­ver­sy as excerpts reveal alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al harass­ment and unpro­fes­sion­al behav­ior against Sacha Baron Cohen dur­ing the film­ing of their 2016 film, ‘The Broth­ers Grimsby.’

Wil­son claims that Cohen repeat­ed­ly pres­sured her to per­form nude scenes, despite her clear refusal. In one alleged inci­dent, she describes Cohen drop­ping his pants and demand­ing she insert her fin­ger into his anus. Wil­son says she com­pro­mised by slap­ping Cohen’s but­tocks and impro­vis­ing a few lines to escape the situation.

In response, Cohen’s team pro­vid­ed nine anony­mous state­ments from crew mem­bers claim­ing the scene was script­ed, and Wil­son was aware of the con­text. How­ev­er, Wil­son main­tains she con­sult­ed a lawyer and ulti­mate­ly chose to laugh off the inci­dent while refus­ing to pro­mote the film.

Wilson’s deci­sion to speak out now aims to empow­er women to share their expe­ri­ences and stand up against inap­pro­pri­ate behav­ior. As more details emerge, the pub­lic will undoubt­ed­ly scru­ti­nize Cohen’s actions and the film indus­try’s treat­ment of actors and actresses.

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